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¥1,000 ¥1,000

Kyoto Menya Takei 麺屋 たけ井 阪急梅田店

Kyoto Menya Takei / 麺屋 たけ井 阪急梅田店

This shop is considered by many to be a great ramen shop in Osaka. It inherits the DNA of the Chinese Soba Tomita. They prepare classic Ramen with soy or salt broth, but their signature dish is the rich seafood pork bone tsukemen. The noodles are very thick and straight, and their customer service always has been appreciated. They are located inside the Hankyu department store in Osaka. They deserve a try, especially if you are a Ramen lover. They own two more shops that are very popular with Ja ... panese Ramen fans, but they are located in cities that are difficult for foreigners to visit. This is your best opportunity to try their delicate Ramen.


  • Type of Food
  • Prices
    lunch ¥1,000, dinner ¥1,000
  • Menu Translated in
  • Capacity
    20 Seats
  • Payment Systems
  • Features



From: 11:00
To: 14:·30
Last Order: 14:·30
Avg Queue Time: From 20 minutes
Closed: Open every day.


From: 14:30
To: 22:30
Last Order: 22:00
Avg Queue Time: From 20 minutes
Closed: Open every day.