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Dotonbori Kukuru Main shop 道頓堀くくる 本店

Dotonbori Kukuru Main shop / 道頓堀くくる 本店

Dotonbori Kurukuru main Shop is a well-known takoyaki located in the entertainment area of ​​Dotonbori. A giant octopus stands out among the mass of restaurants that struggle to capture the customer's attention but you can also distinguish it by the long lines that usually form at its door. Their most famous dish is the Bikkuri (surprising) Takoyaki, which contains a huge octopus leg that literally sticks out of the takoyaki. The dough is fluffier than orthodox takoyakis. Inside you can enjo ... y some octopus-based dishes such as octopus shabu shabu or "oden" (typical Japanese food of vegetable and meat pieces in hot soup) with dried octopus. You can also taste "akashiyaki", takoyaki in rich bonito soup, a typical Kobe dish. Frequented by both tourists and locals, although long lines are normal, the service is fast and super efficient.




From: 11:00 (Weekends & public holidays 10:00)
To: 14:30
Last Order: 14:30
Avg Queue Time:
Closed: Open every day.


From: 14:30
To: 21:00
Last Order: 20:30
Avg Queue Time: Always with a line, less from 17:00
Closed: Open every day.