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¥1,000 ¥1,000

Madai Ramen Mengyo 真鯛らーめん 麺魚 本店

Madai Ramen Mengyo / 真鯛らーめん 麺魚 本店

Madai Ramen Mengyo is a paradise for people who like fish-base Ramen broth or something different than the usual Ramen. At Maidai Ramen, they have several fish broth bases that change every week, but their signature Snapper broth-base soup remains. This is what made them famous. Normally, there’s already a line before they even open, and there could be 100 people waiting to get in a times. This means they could run out of soup in just a few hours. If this happens, then they will close. The Ram ... en noodles are carefully cooked, and the milky fish soup perfectly creates a delicate, balanced taste. There are different types of Ramen, but one that is highly recommended is the eel-base soup Ramen. This restaurant is definitely a place to go if you are a big ramen fan!


  • Type of Food
  • Prices
    lunch ¥1,000, dinner ¥1,000
  • Menu Translated in
  • Capacity
    16 Seats
  • Payment Systems
  • Features



From: 11:00
To: 14:30
Last Order: 14:30
Avg Queue Time: From 60 minutes during lunch time
Closed: Open every day.


From: 14:30
To: 21:00
Last Order: 21:00
Avg Queue Time:
Closed: Open every day.