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Okuniya Manbei 大國屋鰻兵衛 

Okuniya Manbei / 大國屋鰻兵衛 

When you enter Okuniya Manbei, it gives you right away the feeling that you’re somewhere special, like you’re in someone's very special traditional and casual house. The Unagi eel set is what made them famous and you can enjoy their unique charcoal grilled eel and the other half freshly cooked rice together with the eel in an earthenware pot. There are many details that only truly Japanese gourmet specialists would perceive, like the use of Nakagawa Ippento's claypots which may cost as much ... as ¥40,000 and more. Basically, those clay pots are used by almost all Michelin starred restaurants in Japan to cook their rice. The eel cutting style is Kansai (belly of the eel slit open) compared to the classic Kanto-style where the eel is opened from the back. The whole meal is an experience of small details and their hospitality. If you like Unagi then Okuniya Manbei might possibly be the most unique Kansai-style eel you will try in your life. NOTES: This restaurant has no translated menu but they offer only one dish option, making it impossible to make a mistake in your order. You’re required to share table with other clients because they have only 12 seats. Reservation through JGP is required, unless you are extremely lucky to go and find an open sit.


  • Type of Food
    Eel, Unagi
  • Prices
    lunch ¥6,000
  • Menu Translated in
    Photo menu
  • Capacity
    12 Seats
  • Payment Systems
  • Features
    Free reservation
    Minimum book one week in advance. 100% cancellation charge fee.



From: 11:00
To: 15:00
Last Order: 14:30
Avg Queue Time: Only with reservation
Closed: Wednesday, 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month.