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¥2,000 ¥8,000

Kappo Yoshida 割烹よし田

Kappo Yoshida / 割烹よし田

Kappo Yoshida is a reputable Fukuoka restaurant, over 50 years old. The concept of kappo, literally cutting and cooking, implies closeness between the chef and the customer. Also a deep knowledge of the various Japanese culinary techniques, long learning. It falls halfway between izakaya and kaiseki, though more informal than the latter. He has some very popular mid-day menus, among which Tai Ocha Zuke stands out: a bowl of rice with bream sashimi in which Japanese tea is poured. In the evening ... there are tasting omakase. The omakase menu, include a great variety of small dishes, among which we can find cuttlefish, fresh from the fish tank, in transparent sashimi, then you can ask to have the legs made in tempura, fugu, sashimi etc. Kappo Yoshida is one of those endearing local places that your friends from the city will bring you. Note: Menu in English and in Korean for lunch only. There is a 10% surcharge for service in a private room.


  • Type of Food
  • Prices
    lunch ¥2,000, dinner ¥8,000
  • Menu Translated in
    English, Korean
  • Capacity
    140 Seats
  • Payment Systems
    Cash, Credit card
  • Features
    Free reservation
    Lunch optional reservation, dinner reservation required. Minimum 48 hours in advance. Cancellation: at least 24 hours in advance.



From: 11:30
To: 14:30
Last Order: 14:00
Avg Queue Time: About 30 minutes
Closed: 1st & 4th Sunday of the month.


From: 17:00
To: 22:30 (Saturday 22:00)
Last Order: 21:30 (Saturday 21:00)
Avg Queue Time: Only by reservation
Closed: 1st & 4th Sunday of the month.