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¥2,000 ¥4,000

Sushi Noike 乃池

Sushi Noike / 乃池

Noike sushi restarant is very popular especially with locals and some celebrities. The owner and chef, Noike Kozo, now 90 years old is going by himself everyday to the market to get fresh fish. The restaurant was opened in 1965 and his eel sushi specialty soon became very appreciated of many customers. The taste there is the traditional Edomae-style sushi learned after trained by his master, making sure he never adds any sugar to his sushi rice and only uses red vinegar and salt. The quality of ... the sushi is very good and the cost/value is even better. The signature dish is "edomae anago" which consists of salt water eel prepared the Tokyo-style way. Noike is a traditional sushi restaurant in old-town Yanaka, famous for its great local atmosphere and the Tokugawa grave near by. It has a very charming ambience in a casual sushi environment.


  • Type of Food
  • Prices
    lunch ¥2,000, dinner ¥4,000
  • Menu Translated in
  • Capacity
    45 Seats
  • Payment Systems
  • Features
    Free reservation
    Optional reservation dinner time. Minimum of 48 hours in advance. Cancellation must be minimum of 24 hours in advance.



From: 11:30
To: 14:00
Last Order: 13:30
Avg Queue Time: Around 30 minutes
Closed: Tuesday, Wednesday.


From: 16:30 (Sunday and public holidays 14:00)
To: 21:00 (Sunday and public holidays 20:00)
Last Order: 20:30 (Sunday and public holidays 19:30)
Avg Queue Time: Around 30 minutes
Closed: Tuesday, Wednesday.