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¥1,000 ¥4,000

Takoriki たこりき

Takoriki / たこりき

Takokiri is in a nice residential area on the way to Osaka Castle and five minutes from Matsuyamachi station. This cozy takoyaki offers a surprising culinary pairing. Octopus takoyaki is paired with French champagne. The takoyaki is light and refined. Natural, organic and local ingredients are used for its preparation. They use octopus from Mie Prefecture for a crunchy texture with high Umami content. The French champagne seeks to enhance the flavor of the takoyaki. The proposed form is a glass ... of champagne for each serving of seven pieces. Takoyaki can be enjoyed alone, with salt, with various sauces and even gratin. The price is higher than other takoyaki establishments but it is worth it. At night it transforms into a bistro with original French and Mediterranean style dishes. Note: at night there is a 600 yen service charge and they don't serve takoyaki in their menu.


  • Type of Food
  • Prices
    lunch ¥1,000, dinner ¥4,000
  • Menu Translated in
  • Capacity
    7 Seats
  • Payment Systems
  • Features
    Free reservation
    Optional reservation. Dinner only and menu. At least 48 hours in advance. Cancellation: at least 24 hours in advance.



From: 12:00
To: 16:00
Last Order: 16:00 or when sold out
Avg Queue Time:
Closed: Tuesday. Open if holidays.


From: 18:00
To: 22:00
Last Order: 21:30
Avg Queue Time:
Closed: Tuesday. Open if holidays.