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¥1,000 ¥1,000

Tempura Meshi Kaneko Hannosuke Nihonbashi-Honcho 天ぷらめし 金子半之助 日本橋本店

Tempura Meshi Kaneko Hannosuke Nihonbashi-Honcho / 天ぷらめし 金子半之助 日本橋本店

Tempura Meshi Kaneko Hannosuke, is a stylish restaurant inherited from the current owner's grandfather, Hannosuke Kaneko, a well-known chef from the early 20th century, a native of the popular Asakusa neighborhood. Serve traditional edomae tempura. This culinary style refers to the type of street food that was styled in Edo (Old name for Tokyo), always using fish from Tokyo Bay (conger eel), and local vegetables, usually served in a bar, a kind of traditional "fast food". It has a very simple me ... nu of 3 sets: Tempura Meshi (basic 1080 yen), Tempura Meshi Ebi (prawn 1380 yen), Tempura Meshi Anago (conger eel 1480 yen). The basic tempura comes with assorted vegetables, 1 shrimp, squid, maitake mushroom, poached egg, rice and miso soup. We recommend opening the egg on top of the rice and pouring a little soy sauce, it is simple and delicious. Tempura pieces can also be ordered separately. It is a traditional tempura restaurant at popular prices without compromising quality at all. They have another famous restaurant very close by that specializes in tendon (tempura over rice bowl) and branches abroad. The restaurant is very small with only 13 seats in a bar open to the kitchen and it tends to have long queues, it is better to avoid rush hours, especially at noon.


  • Type of Food
  • Prices
    lunch ¥1,000, dinner ¥1,000
  • Menu Translated in
    Chinese, English, Korean
  • Capacity
    13 Seats
  • Payment Systems
  • Features



From: 11:00 (10:00 Weekends and holidays)
To: 14:30
Last Order: 14:30
Avg Queue Time: About 1 hour
Closed: New Year .


From: 14:30
To: 22:00 (21:00 Weekends and holidays)
Last Order: 21:30 (20:30 Weekends and holidays)
Avg Queue Time: About 30-45 minutes
Closed: New Year .