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Udama Udama 谷町base

Udama / Udama 谷町base

Udama udon restaurant offers one of the best deals you can find in Osaka. The Udama store makes some of the best udon in Osaka, it used to be located in the basement of the Osaka station but recently moved to the new location. It has been very popular since its opening. Their excellent udon is accompanied with tempura and roast pork. At night, you can also enjoy their curry udon noodles. The shop is very small. At around 12:00 for lunch, there's usually a line to get in. If you arrive either bef ... ore or after, you should have no problem getting in. The quality is high and their prices are very affordable.




From: 11:00
To: 15:00
Last Order: 14:30
Avg Queue Time: From 15 minutes
Closed: Tuesday.