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¥3,000 ¥6,000

Junsei 南禅寺 順正

Junsei / 南禅寺 順正

Junsei is a Kaiseki restaurant specializing in Tofu. The building, built in 1839, was formerly a medical school and is registered as a national heritage site. The dining room opens onto a spectacular garden, a relaxing setting in which to focus on excellent food. The house speciality is Tofu-based food: Yodofu Kaiseki and Yuba Kaiseki are the most popular sets. Tofu is homemade and is made with Kyoto water. High quality and the best sakes of the area. Yuba is the layer that floats when soy milk ... is boiled, rich in sugars and proteins, it is made in front of the diner and it is taken freshly to better appreciate its flavor. There are also kaiseki from Kyoto, and sets from Shabu Shabu. Very close to Nanzenji temple, 7 minutes walk from Keage station.


  • Type of Food
  • Prices
    lunch ¥3,000, dinner ¥6,000
  • Menu Translated in
  • Capacity
    200 Seats
  • Payment Systems
    Cash, Credit card
  • Features
    Free reservation
    Optional reservation. Cancellation: minimum 24 hours in advance.



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